Saturday, December 29, 2007

What ever happened to the community.

So today i created an account on and something sparked my interest. I reallized how strongly regarded the sense of community was in this online forum. A sort of unity between all of the members and the cooperation between them for the better good. In these forums, you can go and ask simple questions, and you can discuss possible solutions to such problems with people who just might be more knowledgable than you about any one subject. Now, mind you, this is forum for Ubuntu Linux, a computer operating system, and the majority of these exchanges are computer related, But i made a sort of contrast with the music industry while exploring this newly joined community.
From what ive gathered, the music industry is nothing at all like a community. Everyone has their own agenda, and they will do whatever they can to achieve their goals. This sort of cut-throat attitude becomes a problem when the sense of unity is destroyed by it. Now, i have been in and out of bands for about 5 years now, and i have experienced quite a bit, not the most, but i have seen some things, good and bad.
I do see how some similar bands do stick together, play shows, share fans and such. Hell, i was there, ive made friends and played numerous shows with them. One situation that comes to mind was back when my old band played with Anomaly all those times (hell, i eventually joined the band), we met, became friends, stayed in touch somewhat, and played a few shows together and it was all good. We were both really small bands, but we kinda helped each other out.
I do notice where competition does get in the way of community. Especially now in the new age of the internet and the social networking revolution, all i see are bands that just want to get famous by any means possible (now where have i heard that before). But if you know anything about history, "by any means possible" never works. So its almost as if something needs to be done.
I have been thinking about this all day, and ive come to the conclusion that there should be some sort of online comunity for musicians. A place where they can go and exchange resources, collaborate on projects, and work for the betterment of the community. We already know my views on the music industry, but i think that by building something like this, it might help to make the situation better.
So that is my idea, it seems to be a great idea to me. I have no idea what other musicians might think about it. I just think that by borrowing on the ideals of community that has been so heavily emphasized in the open source world, that it can be used for the betterment of a different form of creative expression, because seriously, computers and music may be two different things, but the ways of creating both of them requires creativity and a willingness for progress.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

They actually make money off of that.

So, as i look around everywhere, there is something that ive been starting to notice. More and more, people are using our feeling of nostalgia, and profiting on it. Just take a look around, movies, clothes, video games, and tv. In some way or another, its there. Ninja turtles, transformers, pokemon, power rangers, and a bunch of stuff i cant even remember.
So whats the problem with this?
Well i dont see too big of a problem, but sometimes people can take it too far, and when that happens, its almost as if they are living in the past. When the transformers movie came out, i didnt want to see it, at all. People thought this was weird, transformers were a big part of many people's youth. The problem with me was that i simply did not remember any of it. I actually didnt even remember who optimus prime was.
So now, I always say that its dumb that movie studios are profiting off of our feelings of nostalgia. I do still think this. I will say that directors and producers have done quite some creative stuff with it, but its all been very overplayed.
And now that i am downloading and watching old episodes of power rangers, does this make me look hypocritical? This may be so. But i am doing this on my own agenda. I am not doing this on the agenda of movie studios, television studios, or clothing companies. Also, the power rangers were a big part of my youth, i remember being enamored by them, unlike the transformers.
So what is my final conclusion?
Nostalgia can be a good thing. It must be used in moderation. You cant live in the past. Strive for the future, but never forget your youth.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Its that time of year again...

...its barely just started and already im frustrated with it.
Now that you are all thinking "wow what a scrooge" i guess i should explain why i detest the holiday season.
There are a few reasons, so ill try to cover as many of them as i can.
First, Christmas has become a capitalist holiday, and in this wonderful country, it has been turned into an american capitalist holiday. So these are some terms that i have made up in my head. "American Capitalist" what is that supposed to mean? Well, ill tell you. To me, american capitalism is a system in which people will use cut-throat methods to stay ahead, the main focus is to be better than the rest. And to put that in the context of christmas, just take a look around, go to the mall for more than five minutes and try not to want to kill someone. Christmas can turn come of the nicest people into complete assholes, just because they will do anything to get their shopping done, or to get that perfect present for the right person.
Second, the holiday has lost its meaning, not completely, but mostly. For me, christmas used to be a time to go and visit with family and friends, and to just enjoy their company. Now its a time where it almost becomes a competition to outbuy said family members and friends. So now, what am i, one of those people who thinks that Christmas is just one big corporate consumerist holiday. The truth is, i really dont think that, well, i do, but not to a full extent. The way i see it, most people do see the real reason for christmas, the only problem is that it seems that everyone gets so wrapped up in the consumerist end of it all. I guess my problem is that i dwell too much on the negative side of the issue, i dont see the fact that people really are in the holiday spirit, its just that it is harder to see this.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Maybe Tomorrow, Maybe Not At All

"Have you ever been a part of something
that you thought would never end?
And then of course it did."

Oh jeez, there is al ot i can write here, and i cant think of a place to start.
So i will start with the begining.
Well, it all started with me and my bass. Sitting, waiting for my bass lesson when i saw it, an ad looking for musicians for a "punk band" i figured i would check it out. So i did.
I do remember the first practice quite clearly, I had my dad drive me to Andy's house and i brought my bass and my amp. I remember meeting Jordan. I remember the first few songs we worked on. Little did I know what I was getting into. The coming years would be years of change, good times, bad times, and even more change, drastic change.
So i guess this is the part where i describe the way i was at this time. I was a junior in high school, just got through a real tough year the year before, and i didnt have very many friends. I had no social life, but i was starting to get into computers, starting to fiddle with them, started learning some stuff, and eventually i delved into the wonderful world of Linux.
But i digress. I eventually was happy, i was in a band who was actually able to write their own stuff. I had friends that i made through my band, I actually had some self esteem, how bout that. I met quite a few people through the band, and i even rekindled some old friendships. I met matt and eric, the two gentlemen who would eventually adopt me into their band.
I am now starting to remember the summers we spent together, gallivanting.
There were two summers spent doing this. Each of these summers were completely different. There was the first summer which was spent the three of us, Me, Andy and Jordan. There was however the times where i had to sneak around my parents just to see Alex (girlfriend at the time). We had fun times, listened to music that we thought was actually good. This was a great summer.
And now on to the second summer, this is where the most drastic change occurred.
So for this part, I will begin from the winter before.
Or should i even bother. Honestly, why should i still dwell on this, something that happened two years ago, something petty and stupid. I dont need to write this down, yes, it is a major changing point in the whole story, but its not good for me to dwell on it, so im not writing about what happened.
So now, there is talk of reuniting this band, my first real band. When first confronted with the idea, i had no idea what to think. I first thought it would never work out, but then i took some time to think about it. And truthfully, i am still thinking about it.
And this brings me to right now, I am with Death to the Modern Monster, and i have given them my full dedication, and i think "How will this all work out?"
I guess I will just play it by ear until something happens, thats the only way i can think to do this.