Sunday, December 2, 2007

Maybe Tomorrow, Maybe Not At All

"Have you ever been a part of something
that you thought would never end?
And then of course it did."

Oh jeez, there is al ot i can write here, and i cant think of a place to start.
So i will start with the begining.
Well, it all started with me and my bass. Sitting, waiting for my bass lesson when i saw it, an ad looking for musicians for a "punk band" i figured i would check it out. So i did.
I do remember the first practice quite clearly, I had my dad drive me to Andy's house and i brought my bass and my amp. I remember meeting Jordan. I remember the first few songs we worked on. Little did I know what I was getting into. The coming years would be years of change, good times, bad times, and even more change, drastic change.
So i guess this is the part where i describe the way i was at this time. I was a junior in high school, just got through a real tough year the year before, and i didnt have very many friends. I had no social life, but i was starting to get into computers, starting to fiddle with them, started learning some stuff, and eventually i delved into the wonderful world of Linux.
But i digress. I eventually was happy, i was in a band who was actually able to write their own stuff. I had friends that i made through my band, I actually had some self esteem, how bout that. I met quite a few people through the band, and i even rekindled some old friendships. I met matt and eric, the two gentlemen who would eventually adopt me into their band.
I am now starting to remember the summers we spent together, gallivanting.
There were two summers spent doing this. Each of these summers were completely different. There was the first summer which was spent the three of us, Me, Andy and Jordan. There was however the times where i had to sneak around my parents just to see Alex (girlfriend at the time). We had fun times, listened to music that we thought was actually good. This was a great summer.
And now on to the second summer, this is where the most drastic change occurred.
So for this part, I will begin from the winter before.
Or should i even bother. Honestly, why should i still dwell on this, something that happened two years ago, something petty and stupid. I dont need to write this down, yes, it is a major changing point in the whole story, but its not good for me to dwell on it, so im not writing about what happened.
So now, there is talk of reuniting this band, my first real band. When first confronted with the idea, i had no idea what to think. I first thought it would never work out, but then i took some time to think about it. And truthfully, i am still thinking about it.
And this brings me to right now, I am with Death to the Modern Monster, and i have given them my full dedication, and i think "How will this all work out?"
I guess I will just play it by ear until something happens, thats the only way i can think to do this.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm... Hey! That music we listened to was awesome! Still is.

I know you have DTTMM, but I think what we want to do with MT is revisit the band.

I know we definitely want to re-record every song so we finally have it all down in the history books (like I wanted to do from the beginning). From there, I think we'd see how it goes.

Maybe we'd try to play a show. Maybe. Who knows?

It's an attempt to dig into something beautiful that happened between 3 (and then 4) good friends 3 (almost 4) years ago.

Anonymous said...

that was well written, and it wasnt exactly what i was expecting, i mean that in a good way. i would understand completely if you decided to go along with the reunion. i mean, obviously i still want you to be in death to the modern monster. and i know it sounds kinda cheesy to say but, maybe tomorrow was a big part of my adolescent life. pretty much all of the people i am friends with today i met from going to see you guys play or i met through you guys, or at least became friends with through you guys. and watching you guys play back then really made me start thinking that hey, i can do this. if these kids the same age as me, in my city can be in a band like this, then fuck, i certainly can. also, watching jordan play inspired me to try to play better, and it still does. i know ive probably been annoying about it in the past. but after thinking about it, i understand how things turned out the way they did with you and andy. and this is no put down or anything bad against you, and it may just be my own personal beliefs or whatever, but i dont think i would be able to hold a grudge like that with anybody for so long (unless they did something REALLY bad to me). im not gonna pressure you in to reconciling with him because it would make it easier on me,cause sometimes for some reason i feel i have to choose between you two. and im not saying that you guys have to best friends again, and the likeliness of that happening is very low but hey who knows. but i think it has caused you a lot of stress and other shit and i think it would be beneficial to you to at least be at friendly speking terms with him. the matter that the "fight" was over is done and over with. so...i guess what i'm saying is, do what you want, but i think some reconciling and living old experiences could be very good for you. and again, i dont want it to seem that im pressuring you to do anything that you dont wanna do, or that im putting you down for doing the things that you did, because im not. i love you and i want whats best for you....and yea...its late and im tired and i dont really know what else to say. haha

Dustin Meadows! said...

I say go for it. Reunions can be fun, at least the one time I did it with my old band was. Also, I'm sorry we haven't done anything with Ghosts In The Fight all semester, but I've still been unsuccessful in scaring up a drummer.