Monday, January 14, 2008

Sometimes a title reflects a subject, this time it doesnt apply

So i have been a lazy blogger recently. It doesn't seem to be any fault of my own, from what i gather, ive been quite busy, this past week at least. My class schedule itself doesnt seem that difficult, especially on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, but even on those days, its been non-stop for me. The sad thing thought, when im going through my daily business, i am constantly thinking, constantly observing, and i do come up with some ideas for blogs that i could write that would be just excellent given the time and effort. I guess that is my fault.
So maybe i could just use this post to bring whoever reads this up to terms with what ive been doing the past few weeks.
Well, winter break ended, and it ended in a way which i was ready for it to be over, but i felt like i hadn't accomplished everything that i was hoping to accomplish. Take it as you will, i had some big plans laid out, and i seemed to have flaked out on almost all of them. I got back to work to a feeling of uncertainty regarding my working arrangements for next year, something which i was counting on because i am getting an apartment next year (we signed the lease this past Friday). I have been working, not very hard, but i have been working, and no, i am not slacking off, i am doing as much as i need right now. I figure its best to take it slow in the begining of the semester, and from there i will do more. My social life is very much alive (much to some people's disbelief) I spend time with friends, and its just like most encounters with friends. Disagreements can complicate things and make everything frustrating, and i don't like being frustrated, because it makes me think more than i already do. And no, i am not writing about any one situation, i am writing about a general observation ive made while being in a social situation.
One thing i seem to write about a lot (i don't even know why) is relationships. This is always an interesting subject for me, I like to be somewhat vague about it as to not reveal too much and make certain people uncomfortable if they happen to stumble upon this blog. So ill just leave it at this. I do like someone. I have no idea what will become of this. I am hopeful, i always am. The only thing that dampens my spirits is the fact that i have very little experience with the whole "dating scene" and how to pursue a potential relationship. I dont know, i guess everyone goes through it, and it doesnt really help being as shy as i am. People do offer advice (which i am always eternally greatful for) but it ultimately comes down to me and my decisions.
So now that ive gone into my "I'm a lonely loser" part of this, i guess i should bring this to a conclusion somehow. This entry didn't have much of a specific subject matter, so i cant think of any witty way to close this all, so i will just end it like i end every other sentence i write, with a period.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

My advice doesn't count for much, but in terms of what to do on the dating scene, I would suggest trying to just casually hang out, one on one. Getting to know each other as friends is a big part of getting along successfully as a couple, I think.